Elysian Development Index

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The Elysian Development Index, abbreviated EDI, is a measure about how developed a country is. It measures three scales, called "developments".

How to use the EDI Edit

There are three sections to the EDI. Each section is worth 6 marks, for a total of 18. EDI scores are given in the format x/y/z (such as 5/6/4)<ve>

The sections are:

  1. Political development
  2. Industrial development
  3. Military development

Each answer has a bracket beside it, e.g.

  1. Lorem ipsum
    1. dolor sit amet, (1)
    2. consectetur adipiscing elit. (0)

This would mean that one point is awarded for responding with a. and none for b.

Scores Edit

Country Score
Shintsuchi 4.5/2.5/2.5
The Republic of Patrium 4.5/2.5/4

Questions Edit

Political development Edit

  1. What is the system of government?
    1. Direct democracy (1) - citizens vote directly on decisions
    2. Representative democracy (1) - citizens elect a group who make decisions
    3. Absolutist democracy (0.5) - citizens elect one person to make decisions
    4. Autocracy (0) - citizens have no say in decisions
  2. Does the country grant liberties?
    1. Both positive and negative (1) - both liberties are realised in the country
    2. Only positive (0.5) - the country gives citizens resources necessary to reach potential
    3. Only negative (0.5) - citizens enjoy little to no inhibitions or restrictions to their actions
    4. Neither liberties are realised (0)
  3. How does the country act internationally?
    1. Diplomatically (1) - the country generally tries to avoid war and resolves issues peacefully
    2. Adaptive (0.5) - the country tends to prefer diplomacy but will not refrain from military force
    3. Militaristic (0) - the country tends against diplomacy, using force as the primary means of dispute resolution
  4. Is conscription in place and/or is military service mandatory?
    1. No (1)
    2. Yes (0)
  5. How much of the country’s citizens have played recently?
    1. More than 50% (1)
    2. The country only has one citizen (0.5)
    3. 25% - 50% (0.5)
    4. Less than 25% (0)
  6. What is the average size of personal land?
    1. More than 6 chunks (1)
    2. 3 - 6 chunks (0.5)
    3. Less than 3 chunks (0)

Industrial development Edit

  1. Does the country have consistent power?
    1. Yes, on MV/LV (1)
    2. Yes, on LV (0.5)
    3. No (0)
    4. The country does not have power (0)
  2. Does the country have sufficient public transport?
    1. Yes, automated (1)
    2. Yes, manual (0.5)
    3. No (0)
  3. What are the pollution levels? Consider the most polluted area.
    1. Clear or near-clear sky (1)
    2. No harm but visibly concentrated (0.5)
    3. Pollution concentrated enough to cause harm (0)
  4. Are industries automated?
    1. Yes, fully or nearly fully (1)
    2. Yes, some are done by hand though (0.5)
    3. No (0)
  5. What is the country’s economic role internationally?
    1. Large exporter (1)
    2. Mixed (0.5)
    3. Large importer (0)
    4. The country is isolated economically (0)
  6. What is the estimated disparity in wealth between the richest and poorest players?
    1. Marginal disparity (1)
    2. Small disparity (0.5)
    3. Large disparity (0)

Military development Edit

  1. In the event of war, could the country defend itself?
    1. Yes (1)
    2. No (0)
  2. In relation to the necessary amount for defence, how strong is the military?
    1. Slightly stronger (1)
    2. Slightly weaker (0.5)
    3. Significantly stronger (0)
    4. Significantly weaker (0)
  3. What is the typical weapons inventory of a typical citizen?
    1. Primarily defensive weapons against players (1)
    2. Primarily defensive tools against mobs (0.5)
    3. Nothing (0)
  4. Is big stick diplomacy used? (Does the country use its military as a means of threat?)
    1. No (1)
    2. Yes (0)
  5. What is the primary material which Tinkers’ Construct weapons are made of?
    1. Voidspar, bloodstone, or trichromadentium (1)
    2. Manyullyn or better (0.5)
    3. Worse than manyullyn (0)
    4. No TC weapons are used (0)
  6. Has the country attempted to provoke a war recently?
    1. No (1)
    2. Yes (0)