
From Elysia MC

Loctavia (Formerly Loctavian Empire)


Flag of Loctavia



General Info
Population 1
Capital Loctavia
Leader TheDwarfTM
Ideology (de jure) Monarchy
Demonym Loctavian

1.6.4[edit | hide all | hide | edit source]

Owned and founded by: TheDwarfTM on July 29th 2022

Loctavia was founded after TheDwarfTM found the perfect land, originally it started out as a humble abode, but walls soon rose, then grew.

After killing a few villagers TheDwarfTM was banned from the 1.6.4 server, still being a relatively active member of the discord server.

Loctavia was left abandoned.

1.7 Modded[edit | hide | edit source]

TheDwarfTM immediately joined the new server, as soon as he could and began reconstructing Loctavia, However, to his dismay, the owner of the new server screwed over all his plans by requesting him to construct walls for his own country, Avalon, of which the owner was never satisfied with, but refused to help whatsoever. TheDwarfTM got fed up with essentially being a slave and declared Loctavian independence, which was very easy, as the owner of the server wasn't online anymore.

The 1.7 Server was closed shortly after, never to be touched again.

Elysia MC[edit | hide | edit source]

The Elysia MC server used the world from the old 1.6.4 server, but TheDwarfTM couldn't play for a while

Months later, he was asked to join again, which he did.

Seeing that Loctavia was not destroyed he was ecstatic, and immediately began reconstructing and building Loctavia, though he didn't get very far, due to bordering countries.

After TheDwarfTM befriended CeilingLover56, Their countries merged, forming the Farland-Loctavian Empire then eventually the Aevum Empire, Though, the Aevum Empire didn't last long, and eventually, TheDwarfTM was back to leading his own country, it now being a puppet state of Vibiena.

After TheDwarfTM quit and came back, he immediately began expanding Loctavia.