Patrium Underground

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The Patrium Underground (PU) is a subsidiary of the Patrium Government Railways and provides a metro service around Patrium City. It currently is under construction, with construction of infrastructure expected to be completed in Mid Summer 2024. Initial opening depends on server performance with the automation script, and will only run one or two trains until a primitive signaling system is developed.


The PU has one line, stopping at 4 stations.

  • Patrium Museum
  • City Centre
  • Central Station
  • Hillside

Rolling Stock

The PU does not follow the PGR standard SRSC system for rolling stock, as it is not designed with multiple units in mind, and it was thought best to avoid mixing underground trains with mainline trains in the class system.

64 Stock

The standard PU train type is the 64 Stock, so named because it was designed in June (6) of 2024. It is a DMU made of 4-Car Units, in the format Motor-Trailer-Trailer-Motor.

Departmental Trains

The PU has a single Bo'Bo' Diesel locomotive, made using the front ends of two 64 Stock motor cars, with more powerful engines. It is used for construction trains, carrying stone away from the digging face and materials for station and track construction


Initial Plans

An urban transit network was planned ever since Patrium City was founded. It was originally planned to be an elevated minecraft gauge line, using MS5 Class Steam Locomotives, similar to the real life DLR. However, the planned one-way loop would have been limiting, and the elevated tracks above the roads made the streets below feel claustrophobic. As such the plan was changed so they would run as trams. This created new problems though, as it was feared that the trams could harm the Tektopia villagers. Eventually the solution that was decided upon was an underground metro system, based off the London Underground.

Development of the Metro

The line was originally meant to be minecraft gauge, running in a loop. However, this added multiple unnecessary stations, and the line was shortened to 4 stations long. The planned gauge was altered to cape gauge. On 07/06/24, the metro trains were modelled.
