Cold War

From Elysia MC

The Cold War is a term used to describe the geopolitical tension primarily between Novaterra, The Aevum Empire, and Seananville.
It started after the end of the Paixville Crisis.

First weeks[edit | hide all | hide | edit source]

The Cold War began around the end of the Paixville Crisis.
Despite entering the League of Nations, Vasti pledged that it would continue producing arms for deterrence and to give to its allies, on the 16th of April, 2023. In response, three days later, Daysant (then General of the NAF) announced that Novaterra would take the necessary means needed to defend it and its allies. They also jokingly announced that Internet speeds to and from Vasti would be capped at six bytes per second. Vasti was later annexed by Farland-L'octavia to form the Aevum Empire.
The situation mostly calmed down afterwards for about three weeks.

Entry of Seananville[edit | hide | edit source]

In mid-May, Seananville's trust in Novaterra fell, due to the overthrowing of ZeBoss, claiming Novaterra was politically unstable.
On the 15th of May, 2023, an argument broke out between Kartoonzz, the taoiseach of Seananville), and D4rkV0rtex, the military general of Aevum. The main argument was between the two states threatening eachother.
Despite having been recently rescinded of governmental authority by this point, Daysant intervened and turned the argument into a structured discussion between the two states.
After the argument, Daysant had proposed terms for both states: the countries would join a mutual defence treaty with Novaterra (as in, if Seananville declared war on Aevum, Novaterra would declare war on Seananville, and vice versa), and that both countries would stop manufacturing arms.
Although Aevum agreed to both of these terms, Seananville only agreed to join the LoN military, refusing to stop arms production. In return, on the 16th, Daysant announced that they would stop all NTC exports to Seananville, and that they would also cancel a shipment of a chest full of bombs.
It was remarked by Daysant that it is likely that Elysia will split up into three factions, each aligning to one of the three countries in the Cold War.