Elysia MC:Article content

From Elysia MC

On the Elysia MC wiki, articles and sections must have appropriate:

  • length - is the article or section long enough to accurately describe the topic?
  • density - is the content in the article or section dense enough in information?
  • relevance - is the content in the article or section relevant to the topic?

Stubs[edit source | hide | hide all]

Stubs are articles or sections that lack appropriate length and should be further edited to convey enough information.
Stubs can be marked with {{articlestub}} or {{sectionstub}}.
This article is a stub. You can help the Elysia MC wiki by editing it.
This section is a stub. You can help the Elysia MC wiki by editing it.

Waffle[edit source | hide]

Waffle is content that is not dense in information, i.e., it is unnecessarily long. Waffle often tends to have dubious relevance as well.
Waffle can be marked with {{articlewaffle}} or {{sectionwaffle}}.
This article is waffle. You can help the Elysia MC wiki by editing it.
This section is waffle. You can help the Elysia MC wiki by editing it.

Dubious relevancy[edit source | hide]

Content with dubious relevancy lack information describing the topic. While related topics can be discussed, they should never be focused on.
This can be marked with {{articleirrelevant}} or {{sectionirrelevant}}.
This article is irrelevant. You can help the Elysia MC wiki by editing it.
This section is irrelevant. You can help the Elysia MC wiki by editing it.