Union State

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The Union

The Union State


Flag of the Union State


The Internationale

General Info
Population 2
Capital None
Leader Vibe (ceremonial)
Council of the Union (executive)
Ideology Federal socialism
Demonym Union

The Union State, informally the Union, is a country in Elysia. It is founded on the principles of federalism and socialism, and constitutes two Socialist Republics: Shintsuchi and Vibiena.
As of the 28th of May, 2024, it has a population of 2.


The Union State was founded on the 23rd of May, 2024, as a union between Vibiena and Shintsuchi. The Union of Socialists also planned to join. The formation was as a reaction to the formation of Aevum.


The Union State is a federation of constituent socialist states, called republics. Each republic appoints one councillor via a deliberative democracy. The Secretary is the head of state of the Union State and is a ceremonial role.


Each republic enjoys a reasonable degree of autonomy. They have the exclusive jurisdiction over the resources and infrastructure in its territory, however, the Union handles international affairs and some domestic affairs, especially between republics.


The Council is comprised of councillors, each appointed by a republic through a deliberative democratic vote. The Council is the executive body of the Union government. A term of a Council lasts four months.
The Secretary is elected by the Council through deliberative democracy. The Secretary is the head of state of the Union and represents it internationally. The title is ceremonial.