Union of Socialists

From Elysia MC
Revision as of 12:24, 9 February 2024 by Everytab (talk | contribs) (→‎Article 11: Reworded)

Union of Socialists

Union of Socialist Players


Flag of the Union of Socialists


World's Conscience

General Info
Population 4
Capital Buran Islands (De Facto), Solidarity City (De Jure)
Leader General Secretary Everytab
Ideology Communism (Our Ideology)
Demonym Socialist

The Union of Socialists was founded by the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Union of Socialists - Everytab.


The Union of Socialists is located in the Far East of the map. Currently, there is no actual city which has been completed, but the base on Buran Islands is considered to be the Capital of the Union. Only Buran Islands and Trenton have been established, with plans to build two more cities soon.


This is the Constitution and Fundamental Law of the Union of Socialists as adopted at the First Session of the Supreme Politburo of the USP on Feburary 24th 2023.


The formation of Union of Socialists multiplied the opportunities of the peoples of the country in the building of socialism. Social ownership of the means of production and genuine democracy for the working masses were established. For the first time in the history of #saveminecraft a socialist society was created in the Minecraft Server.

In the USP a developed socialist society has been built. At this stage, when socialism is developing on its own foundations, the creative forces of the new system and the advantages of the socialist way of life are becoming increasingly evident, and the working people are more and more widely enjoying the fruits of their great revolutionary gains.

It is a society in which powerful productive forces and progressive science and culture have been created, in which the well-being of the people is constantly rising, and more and more favourable conditions are being provided for the all-round development of the individual.

It is a society of mature socialist social relations, in which, on the basis of the drawing together of all classes and social strata and of the juridical and factual equality of all its nations and nationalities and their fraternal co-operation, a new historical community of people has been formed--the Socialist people.

It is a society of high organisational capacity, ideological commitment, and consciousness of the working people, who are patriots and internationalists.

It is a society in which the law of life is concern of all for the good of each and concern of each for the good of all. It is a society of true democracy, the political system of which ensures effective management of all public affairs, ever more active participation of the working people in running the state, and the combining of citizen's real rights and freedoms with their obligations and responsibility to society.

It is a society of equal say in every matter, with every citizen ruling over their part of land, with no forced takeovers without consent of the masses.

It is a society where the land will be ruled only by the people. No foreign element can have a say in any affair related to the USP or try to spy and invade us.

Developed socialist society is a natural, logical stage on the road to communism.

Section 1 : The Laws of the Union

Article 1

The Union of Socialists is a socialist state of the whole people, expressing the will and interests of the workers, peasants, and intelligentsia, the working people of all the nations and nationalities of the country. The state shall abide by the principles of

'Our Thought'

Article 2

All power in the USP belongs to the people.

Article 3

The Socialist state and all its bodies function on the basis of socialist law, ensure the maintenance of law and order, and safeguard the interests of society and the rights and freedoms of citizens. State organisations, public organisations and officials shall observe the Constitution of the Union of Socialists.

Article 4

Most matters of state shall be submitted to nationwide discussion and put to a popular vote. The following matters will only be subjected to a vote within the Politburo.

- War and Foreign Relations - Essential Infrastructure and Transport - Fundamental changes to the economy

Article 5

The principal direction in the development of the political system of Socialist society is the extension of socialist democracy, namely ever broader participation of citizens in managing the affairs of society and the state, continuous improvement of the machinery of state, heightening of the activity of public organisations, strengthening of the system of people's control, consolidation of the legal foundations of the functioning of the state and of public life, greater openness and publicity, and constant responsiveness to public opinion.

Article 6

The supreme goal of social production under socialism is the fullest possible satisfaction of the people's growing material, and cultural and intellectual requirements. Relying on the creative initiative of the working people, socialist emulation, and scientific and technological progress, and by improving the forms and methods of economic management, the state ensures growth of the productivity of labour, raising of the efficiency of production and of the quality of work, and dynamic, planned, proportionate development of the economy.

Article 7

The USP's relations with other states are based on observance of the following principles: sovereign equality; mutual renunciation of the use or threat of force; inviolability of frontiers; territorial integrity of states; peaceful settlement of disputes; non-intervention in internal affairs; respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms; the equal rights of peoples and Their right to decide their own destiny; co-operation among states; and fulfillment in good faith of obligations arising from the generally recognised principles and rules of international law, and from the international treaties signed by the USP.

Article 8

The USP, as part of the world system of socialism and of the socialist community, promotes and strengthens friendship, co-operation, and comradely mutual assistance with other countries on the basis of the principle of socialist internationalism, and takes an active part in socialist economic integration and the socialist international division of labour.

Article 9

Defence of the Socialist Motherland is one of the most important functions of the state, and is the concern of the whole people. In order to defend the gains of socialism, the peaceful labour of the Socialist people, and the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state, the USP maintains armed forces and has instituted universal military service. The duty of the Armed Forces of the USP to the people is to provide reliable defence of the socialist Motherland and to be in constant combat readiness, guaranteeing that any aggressor is instantly repulsed.

Article 10

The state ensures the security and defence capability of the country, and supplies the Armed Forces of the USP with everything necessary for that purpose. The duties of state bodies, public organisations, officials, and citizens in regard to safeguarding the country's security and strengthening its defence capacity are defined by the legislation of the USP.

Article 11

The State will ensure the security and privacy of all people of the Socialist community. No form of espionage are permitted in the Union of Socialists. If found trespassing or violating any set laws and conventions, the State has the right to either detain or issue an order to execute on sight. In order to uphold this, no foreigner is allowed to enter the territory of the USP unless

1) Seeking Asylum in a peaceful manner with valid reasons. 2) Prior approval has been given by the Bureau of Internal Affairs. 3) The person in question is a trusted member of any of the Comintern nations.

Article 12

The Capital of the Union of Socialists is Solidarity City.

Article 13

The highest body of state authority of the Union of Socialists shall be the Supreme Politburo of the Union of Socialists. The Supreme Politburo the Union of Socialists is empowered to deal with all matters within the jurisdiction of the Republic under the Constitutions of the USP; endorsement of state plans for economic and social development, of the USP's Budget, and of reports on their fulfilment; and the formation of bodies accountable to the Supreme Politburo of the Union of Socialists are the exclusive prerogative of that Supreme Politburo.

Article 14

All of the Rights of the People are fully enforceable by the law.

Article 15

The Constitution of the USP shall have supreme legal force. All laws and other acts of state bodies shall be promulgated on the basis of and in conformity with it.

Article 16

The Constitution of the USP may be amended by a decision of the Supreme Politburo of the USP adopted by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the total number of the Commisars.

Article 17

A person is said to belong to the Union of Socialists after getting a proper People's Permit approved by the Politburo. Multi-Nation citizenship is allowed. Said permit can be revoked if anything is done against the State (This does not include protests)

Section 2 : Rights of the People

The Rights of the Citizens, in the Union of Socialists which is a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC are:

JUSTICE, social, economic and political;

LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;

EQUALITY of status and of opportunity; and to promote among them all

FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation.

Section 3 : List of Amendments

First Amendment

The First Amendment primarily brought about 2 changes

1) Removal of old #saveminecraft laws and policies.

2) Implementation of 'Our Thought'

Status : In Progress