Elysia MC:Article content

From Elysia MC
Revision as of 11:25, 14 February 2024 by DaysantElysiaMC (talk | contribs) (wuh)
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On the Elysia MC wiki, articles and sections must have appropriate:

  • length - is the article or section long enough to accurately describe the topic?
  • density - is the content in the article or section dense enough in information?
  • relevance - is the content in the article or section relevant to the topic?


Stubs are articles or sections that lack appropriate length and should be further edited to convey enough information.
Stubs can be marked with {{articlestub}} or {{sectionstub}}.
This article is a stub. You can help the Elysia MC wiki by editing it.
This section is a stub. You can help the Elysia MC wiki by editing it.


Waffle is content that is not dense in information, i.e., it is unnecessarily long. Waffle often tends to have dubious relevance as well.
Waffle can be marked with {{articlewaffle}} or {{sectionwaffle}}.
This article is waffle. You can help the Elysia MC wiki by editing it.
This section is waffle. You can help the Elysia MC wiki by editing it.

Dubious relevancy

Content with dubious relevancy lack information describing the topic. While related topics can be discussed, they should never be focused on.
This can be marked with <nowiki>This article is irrelevant. You can help the Elysia MC wiki by editing it.
or This section is irrelevant. You can help the Elysia MC wiki by editing it.
This article is irrelevant. You can help the Elysia MC wiki by editing it.
This section is irrelevant. You can help the Elysia MC wiki by editing it.