
From Elysia MC
Revision as of 19:30, 11 October 2022 by Aasdaasd (talk | contribs)



Flag of Novaterra


Anthem of Novaterra

General Info
Population 13
Capital New Amsterdam
Leader FlopsyMC, ZeBoss07
Ideology {{{ideology}}}
Demonym Novaterran

Novaterra (/nˈo͡ʊvˌə.tˈɛːrˌʌ/, NOH-vuh-TERR-uh) officially The Federated Republic of Novaterra, is a nation situated in the Dark Sea. As of 25/09/22, it has a population of 13.


Novaterra is one of the oldest nations on the server. It goes back to 31/07/2022.


Novaterra was founded on 31/07/22 by FlopsyMC. Shortly after, ZeBoss07 joined, and made much of what is now New Amsterdam.

The StevensJax Incidents

The first major issue (01/08/22) was a player named StevensJax settling on the north side of the island, directly in the way of the street and a planned bridge. This later resulted in catastrophe, as at roughly at 21:30 UK Time, a debate broke out deciding an agreement. During this debate, StevensJax's base was griefed. The next day (02/08/22), ZeBoss07 awoke to find that 2 houses were destroyed completely and a large obsidian structure (privated with signs) was constructed by StevensJax. This was reported to deathlife23, who banned Jax for 1 week, she was the only one banned in this situation.
After being unbanned, Stevensjax edison rejoined the Server on 17/08/22 and proceeded to pour water over the NSR terminus' redstone wiring. This was reported to Aether85, who proceeded to ban StevensJax for one month. However while reviewing evidence, StevensJax burned the belongings of Daysant, leading to this ban being upped to a permanent ban. However, during the discussion, the events of the discussion on 01/08/22 were brought up again, leading to FlopsyMC being banned for seven days, from 17/08/22 to 24/08/22.

Daysant's presidency

Daysant was the second democratically elected leader of Novaterra. They established the Novaterran Navy and Army, as well as the establishment of New Ruhr, a highly industrial region.

World War One

At 18:10 BST, 06/10/2022, Novaterra, along with the rest edison of the UON, declared war on Penis Country.


Novaterra has six provinces as of 29/09/2022.

  • New Amsterdam, the capital of Novaterra. It is mostly commercial and residential.
  • New Ruhr, a swamp archipelago north of New Ansterdam. It is an extremely industrial region with many factories and machines.
  • New Melbourne, a small colony on the mainland, is a residential area with more room.
  • New Sealand, an artificial platform off the south coast of New Amsterdam.
  • New Manhattan, an island near New Amstersam with many vanilla industry (such as farms).
  • Chestnutville. It was formerly independent city but has since then been annexed by Novaterra. Mostly residential with some industry.


Novaterra is a federal presidential democratic republic.


The head of state and government is the President, and is the sole leader of Novaterra. Elections are held every two weeks to decide the President, through an STV system.
Major decisions, such as alliance or war, cannot be made by the President, and must instead be decided by the public through a referendum.

Foreign policy

The Novaterran foreign policy has primarily three goals:

  • to protect the citizens of Novaterra and its allies,
  • to spread Novaterran culture, values, and wealth across the map,
  • to make trade with other countries accessible.

Novaterra has been criticised for its expansionist ideas.

Foreign relations

Novaterra is a member of the UON.


Novaterra is allies with these countries:

Hostile relations

Novaterra has hostile relations with Elementia and Penis Country. They are at war with them.