
From Elysia MC
Revision as of 18:20, 3 December 2022 by imported>DaysantElysiaMC (ww1 + age of information)

Federated Republic of Novaterra


State Flag of Novaterra


Anthem of Novaterra

General Info
Population 14
Capital New Amsterdam
Leader ZeBoss07
Ideology {{{ideology}}}
Demonym {{{demonym}}}

Novaterra, officially the Federated Republic of Novaterra (noʊvətɛɹʌ, NOU-vət-ERR-uh) is a country in the Dark Sea. The largest city is New Amsterdam, which serves as a political and economic centre, as well as the second largest unbroken inhabited area on Elysia. As of 3rd December, 2022, it has a population of 14.
Novaterra shares no land or maritime borders with any country, although it is less than 100 blocks away from Tuath in the north. Novaterra is east of Spawn. It is the largest country by land area. Novaterran territory spreads across six islands. Each of the islands have a province on them, that being New Amsterdam, New Melbourne, New Ruhr, New Essen, New Manhattan, and Chestnutville. A seventh province is planned to be established soon for the TekTopia mod, and it is officially unnamed, however there have been suggestions to call it New Alabama. Novaterra is strict with their aerial territory, with restrictions on their airspace, and a total ban of all aircraft of any kind on New Amsterdam and New Ruhr.
Novaterra is a federal presidential republic. Each province in Novaterra has the right to self-management and own legislation, however, in a de-facto case, they are all under the administration of the President. However, the President may enact legislature and operations on a province-by-province case. The President is democratically elected by the population of Novaterra and holds total authority on Novaterra, however they may delegate certain parts of their power to certain offices. The current President is ZeBoss07.


Novaterra is one of the oldest countries on thew server, with the earliest evidence of a Novaterran state as early as the 29th of July, 2022. It is a major player in the server history.

Early days

Novaterra was founded by FlopsyMC on the 29th of July, 2022, on a medium-sized taiga island, later called New Amsterdam. Initially, Novaterra was a one-man nation, but ZeBoss07 joined on the 31st. ZeBoss07 constructed most of what is now New Amsterdam.
A short while after, a bridge was made connecting to the smaller New Manhattan. FlopsyMC built a house there and several vanilla farms were made, and a mine.
In early August daysant had begin the construction of a gold farm on New Manhattan in an attempt to artificially hyperinflate the Elementian, however these plans never got to materialise. Eventually, the farm was decomissioned due to new mechanics for 1.12.2.

The StevensJax Incidents

The StevensJax Incidents were a series of events caused by StevensJax.

First incident

The first major issue happened on the 1st of August. StevensJax was settling on the north side of New Amsterdam, directly in the way of the street and a planned bridge. This later resulted in catastrophe, as at roughly at 21:30 (UTC±0), a debate broke out deciding an agreement. During this debate, StevenJax's base was griefed. The next day, ZeBoss07 awoke to find that two houses were destroyed completely and a large obsidian structure (privated with signs) was constructed by StevensJax. This was reported to Neil, who banned StevensJax for a week, however she was the only one banned in this situation.

Second incident

After being unbanned, StevensJax rejoined the server on the 17th and poured water over the NSR terminus' redstone wiring. This was reported to Silvesteer, who banned StevensJax for one month. However while reviewing evidence, StevensJax burned the belongings of daysant, leading to this ban being extended indefinitely. However, during the discussion, the events of the discussion on the 1st were brought up again, leading to FlopsyMC being banned for a week, from 17/08/22 to 24/08/22.

World War One

Novaterra was one of the important countries to partake in World War One. There was a white peace, so Novaterra did not gain or lose anything.

Age of Information

Following World War One, Novaterra had many resources. daysant had decided that it would be worthwile investing into the newly added Opencomputers mod. They created the Novaterran Electronics Company to manage such.

Electronic banking

An electronic banking system is in current development by daysant.

Teletext and the NBC

In early November, the development of OC-Teletext began, which was a method used to broadcast text to compatible computers. A subsidiary of the NEC was created, the Novaterran Broadcasting Company. The system went live in late November.