World War Two

From Elysia MC
Revision as of 22:30, 19 February 2023 by Oflopsy (talk | contribs)

World War Two, shortened to WW2, also known as the Novaterran Civil War is a war between Novaterra (and its supporters) and the secessionist state Westportia (and its supporters).


Aftermath of World War One

A few days after the treaty ending World War One was signed, Vasti had been reported to attempting to induce another war (for "historical accuracy"). Actions Vasti had taken were attempting to annex Seananville, increasing the Vastian army, and trying to counter the Novaterran monopoly on much of the industry. Although none of these came to be due to active Novaterran decisions, it had still set off Vasti's attitude towards Novaterra. It was also said that d4rk (the leader of Vasti at the time) would be responsible for the cause of World War Two.

Independence of Westportia

After some time in exile, FlopsyMC had returned to Novaterra as the Governer of New Melbourne. However, after some disputes on autonomy, FlopsyMC had seceded from Novaterra to form the state of Westportia. After a misunderstanding, FlopsyMC had given authority to xClavice, to which later they both took leadership.

Declaration of War

On the 17th of February, 2023, Vasti and thus Westportia declared war, with D4rkVortex stating:

The current status quo cannot be allowed to continue. As such, it is time for The Republic of Vasti to join our ally, Westportia, in a fight for freedom. I therefore, declare war on the nation of Novaterra.